Name: Giovanni
Surname: Cenedese
Age: 22 years old
Place of birth: Treviso (TV)
Course of study: Biological Sciences
Sports: Rugby
Recent results: Participation in the 2022/23 Top 10 championship playoffs
Objectives: Grow from a sporting and human point of view and make rugby a central part of my life
Brief presentation:
My name is Giovanni, I’m a third line and I’ve been playing rugby since I was 7 years old. I approached this sport by chance, because a dear friend of mine practiced it, and I have continued from there until today.
My first experience with rugby occurred with Villorba Rugby, with which I/we achieved excellent results at youth level such as winning the Topolino Tournament (current City of Treviso Tournament). At the age of 15 I began the journey with the C.D.F.P Zonal Academy of Treviso, which ended two years later with the transition to the Ivan Francescato National Academy, another journey which lasted two years, during which I also carried out activities linked to the national team u20. Subsequently I moved to Reggio Emilia in the Valorugby team in which I still play. These experiences were extremely formative as they taught me how to live in common spaces and how to work in a group efficiently, in addition to all the good moments I spent from a human point of view, getting to know so many people and friends.