Name: Alberto

Surname: Montanari

Age: 23

Place of birth: Bologna

Course of study: Pharmacy

Sport: Athletics

Recent results:

  • 1st place in the 400 m hurdles at the Italian Individual Promesse on Track Championships.
  • 1st place in the 400 m at the National University Championships.
  • Participation in the European Under 23 Track Championships in Espoo (FIN) in the 400m
  • 5th place in the 400 m hurdles at the Italian Individual Overall Track Championships.
  • 2nd place in the 400 m hurdles at the Gold “A” Final of the Italian Club Championship
    Absolute on the track.
  • 2nd place in the 4x400m relay at the National University Championships.
  • 2nd place in the National Ranking of the Promises category and 7th place in the
    Overall National Ranking in the 400m Hurdles, 50.42.


  • Italian Overall Championships
  • European Championships, Rome

Brief presentation:
I’m from Ravenna, but I’ve been living in Modena for 4 years to attend the Pharmacy course. I do athletics from high school, while before that I played basketball. Since I’ve been in Modena I’ve changed companies, moving from the Ravenna Athletics Academy to the Fratellanza 1874 of Modena.