Name: Alessandra

Surname: Morandi

Age: 22

Place of birth: Modena

Course of study: Analysis, Consulting and Financial Management

Sport: Athletics, 400m

Recent risults:

  • Silver at the 2024 Absolute Italian Indoor Championships and absolute indoor regional record with the 4×2 lap relay (Ancona)
  • Bronze Italian Championships 2023 4x400m relay (Molfetta)
  • Gold Italian Promesse Championships 2023 4x400m Relay (Agropoli)
  • Bronze Italian Absolute Indoor Championships 2023 4×2 lap relay (Ancona)
  • Bronze Italian Promesse Indoor Championships 2023 4x200m relay (Ancona)
  • Bronze Italian Championships 2022 and absolute regional record with the 4x400m relay (Rieti)
  • Objectives: Italian Category and Overall Championships

Brief presentation:
I am Alessandra, I am 22 years old and I am attending the first year of the master’s degree course in Analysis, Consulting and Financial Management. I have been practicing athletics for almost 10 years and my specialty is the 400 meter sprint.
I approached this sport thanks to my gymnastics teacher in middle school who one day told me: “you run fast, go to the school field one afternoon and you’ll see that you’ll have a lot of fun”. He was right. And already after my first training I understood that athletics would become my greatest passion. I love to commit and work hard to achieve my goals and give my all when I run on the track.