Name: Alessandro

Surname: Pasquinucci

Age: 20

Place of birth: Modena

Course of study: Biotechnology

Sport: Athletics

Recent results:

  • 4th place at the Italian championships in the U20 3000m
  • 8th place at the Italian championships in the 10Km road race in the U20 male category
  • Best Italian U20 performance of the year 2022 in the men’s 5000m with a time of 14.33.64
  • Second best Italian U20 performance of the year 2022 in the men’s 3000m with a time of 8.18.21
  • Fourth best Italian U20 performance of the year 2022 in the men’s 1500m with a time of 3.49.18

Objectives: Italian U23 Championships

Brief presentation: born in Modena, since I was a child I have always been a sports enthusiast. In 2019 I began my journey in the world of athletics, which still constitutes a fundamental parenthesis of my days. Consistency in training has led me to achieve very important goals such as the Italian U18 title in 2020 in the 1500m and third place in the 3000m at the Italian category championships in 2020. I am currently in my first year of Biotechnology and between lessons and exams I am able to reconcile sporting activity with student life.