Name: Alessandro

Surname: Pezzi

Age: 20

Place of birth: Scandiano (Re)

Course of study: Civil and environmental engineering

Sports: Handball

Recent results: Participation and obtaining 6th place in the group in the U20 national championship and participation in the Serie B regional championship
Objectives: Promotion in the national A Bronze championship with the Serie B team and achievement of the first level of the federal course for coaches

Brief presentation: I graduated from the G. Guarini institute and am enrolled in the first year of civil and environmental engineering. In sports, I have been playing handball for 11 years, starting from U12 and participating in national and international tournaments over the years. In the 2020/2021 season with the Serie B team I obtained promotion to the Serie A2 championship of the 2021/2022 season in which I participated. In the current 2022/2023 season I will participate in the regional Serie B championship and the national U20 championship. I have also been coaching a U9 and U11 team for 1 year