Name: Caterina Maria
Surname: Mutti
Age: 20
Place of birth: Voghera (PV)
Course of study: Educational sciences for nursery schools and socio-pedagogical professions
Sports: Handball
Recent results: AICS Women’s National B Championship
Goals: continue playing, gaining experience, growing and having fun
Brief presentation:
My name is Caterina, I started playing handball at the age of 9 due to health needs and low self-esteem, recommended to me as a team sport.
I am a handball goalkeeper: in recent years I have had a lot of satisfaction and I have met highly experienced players, starting from my first Handball team Derthona of Tortona (AL), followed by Ferrarin of San Donato Milanese (MI) and Marconi Jumpers of Castelnovo Sotto (KING).
I am Piedmontese by origin and Emilian by adoption since September 2020.
After having played for the last two seasons in the ranks of Spallanzani Handball of Casalgrande (RE) in the A1 Women’s Championship, I am currently working for the A.S.D. women’s team. Handball Sportinsieme di Castellarano (RE).