Name: Daniele

Surname: Calabretti

Age: 20

Place of birth: Taranto

Course of study: Digital Marketing, second year

Sports: Football

Recent results: Two saves with the G.S. team Bagnolese in Serie D group D and a relegation to excellence last season, ongoing championship of Excellence.

Objectives: Return to play in Serie D.

Brief presentation: My name is Daniele, I am a second year Digital Marketing student and I play football in the G.S. Bagnolese, currently Emilia Romagna Group A Excellence Championship. This is my fourth season with Bagnolese, between Serie D and Eccellenza I have made around 90 appearances, 1 goal and 3 assists in Serie D. On the pitch I am a wild card: I have been used both as a right and left back, and as a midfielder central and external, both external attacker.