Name: Davide

Surname: Bartoli

Age: 23

Place of birth: Sassuolo (MO) on 02/19/2001

Course of study: Management Engineering

Sports: Handball

Recent results: Coppa Italia Serie A2 2021 and promotion to Serie A1

Objectives: To carry forward a passion that I have cultivated since I was a child

Brief presentation: I play for ASD Pallamano Rubiera, I am in my 16th year of activity and also this is the third year that I coach a youth team in the same club; I am also holding the first level coaching course. In my career I reached third place nationally in 2015 (cat. U16) and fourth place nationally in 2018 (cat. U19). In 2015 I achieved first place regionally in the under 16 category; in 2017 I received a call-up to the Italian national team and finally in 2015 I was selected in the regional selection (Emilia Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo). In the summer of 2021, after 3 years spent in the A2 series of Rubiera handball, we managed to achieve the goal of promotion to the top series and the victory of the A2 Serie Italian Cup. In the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 sports seasons I played in the Rubiera Handball team participating in the top-flight Italian championship, managing to obtain salvation. I currently play in the Serie A Gold (formerly Serie A1) Rubiera handball team, with the seasonal team objective of avoiding the play-out zone and being able to access the Serie A1 category Italian Cup and on a personal level to continue my growth in this sport.