Name: Enrico

Surname: Benuzzi

Age: 21

Place of birth: Bologna

Course of study: Vehicle Engineering

Sport: Athletics 110 meters hurdles and 60 meters hurdles

Recent Results:

  • Fourth place at the 2024 Italian indoor U23 championships in the 60 hs
  • Ninth place at the 2024 Italian championships in the 60 hs
  • 2023 CNU National Champion in the 110 hurdles
  • Sixth place at the 2023 U23 Italian outdoor championships in the 110hs
  • Seventh at the 2023 Italian indoor U23 championships in the 60hs.

Objectives: To get a medal at the next Italian U23 outdoor championships and the final in the 110 Hs you have the absolute Italian outdoor championships

Brief introduction: I am a third year vehicle engineering student. As a child I always played many sports but from the age of 11-12 I started only doing athletics because that was what I liked the most.