Name: Fabio
Surname: Ruaro
Age: 20 years old
Place of birth: Munich (GER)
Course of study: Faculty of Management Engineering
Sports: Rugby
Recent results: Man of the Week of the twelfth day of the championship
Objectives: Call up to the senior national team and participate in the 6 Nations and the World Cup
Brief presentation:
From a sporting point of view, I grew up in the youth teams of Rugby Parma 1931, from the age of 8 to 19. Collecting important victories at youth level crowned by the 2018/2019 u16 scudetto.
I attended the federation’s zonal academy in Milan for three years and then took part, while playing with Serie A in Parma, in the 6 nations u20 and the respective world championship.
I am currently playing with Valorugby Emilia, with whom I have a contract until 2025.