Name: Gabriele

Surname: Sortino

Age: 20

Place of birth: Syracuse (SR)

Course of study: Computer Engineering

Sports: Handball

Recent results:

  • 9th place in Serie A1 2020/2021
  • Salvation and 9th place in Serie A1 Beretta 2021/2022
  • 4th place Youth League U20 Men 2021/2022
  • Objectives: Permanence in Serie A Gold, Under 20M championship

Brief presentation: I am Gabriele Sortino, I am 20 years old and I was born in Syracuse, Sicily. I have been practicing handball for 9 years; I started playing at 10 years old in Albatro Siracusa and I have been playing in Carpi Handball for 2 years.
I am part of the Italy Under 20M squad with which I have participated in several international tournaments.