Name: Lisa

Surname: Martignani

Age: 21

Place of birth: Modena

Course of study: Chemistry

Sport: Athletics, 400Hs

Recent results:
In the 2022 competitive season I had the seventh time in the Italian ranking in the 400Hs. I came seventh at the Italian U23 Individual Championships in Florence; and in the same event we won silver with the 4×400. We won bronze in the 4×400 relay at the Italian Championships in Rieti. In the second part of the season I came third in the 400Hs at the CDS overall on the Finale Oro track.
The 2023 season was inaugurated by running my new personal 400 (56.79) and qualifying for the Italian indoor U23 championships and taking tenth place. In February we won bronze in the 4×200 at the Italian U23 Indoor Championships. We concluded the indoor season in the best possible way, confirming ourselves as third in the 4×400 at the absolute Italian indoor championships.

Objectives: The outdoor competitive season is full of important commitments: on 17-18 June the Italian U23 Championships will be held in Agropoli where I will be involved in the 400Hs and the 4×400 relay with my teammates. Then on 8-9 July there will be the Challenge, a new method introduced by the Federation in order to gain a pass for participation in the Italian Championships which will take place in Molfetta on 29-30 July. Finally from 13th to 16th July the
U23 European Championships in Espoo (FIN).

Brief presentation:
During the 2022 competitive season Lisa managed to qualify and participate with excellent results in the main regional and national events organized by the reference federation. In particular, she was present in this order: at the National Indoor Category Championships, at the Overall Challenge on the track, at the National Outdoor Category Championships, at the Absolute National Championships, at the Gold National Final Society Championship; as well as at the National University Championships. During this competitive season, full of important sporting commitments, my athlete has grown a lot athletically and the results obtained have repaid us for our hard work and sacrifices. I think there is still a lot of room for improvement and I am sure that Lisa will be ready for the dates of important sporting events. The 2022 competitive season was characterized by the breaking of her personal best four consecutive times (1:00.98) which testifies to the progressive growth of the athlete, and which allows her to defend seventh place in the national ranking. Undoubtedly the silver medal in the 4×400 relay at the Italian U23 championships and the bronze in the 4×400 relay at the Italian championships crowned a season full of satisfactions. I’m sure that this season is just the beginning of a journey that aims to achieve great things. For the future I expect further psycho-physical growth, with objectives that may also focus on international events.