Name: Luca

Surname:  Pagnani

Age: 21

Place of birth: Lugo (RA)

Course of study:  Management Engineering

Sports:  Rugby

Recent results: Play-off qualification and 2023 Italian Cup final

Objectives: establish myself in this championship

Brief presentation: I began my rugby career at the age of 6 in the ranks of Ravenna Rugby, a small club in my city.
At the age of 16 I began my federal career as part of the Permanent Training Center in Prato, during which I played for the ù Romagna RFC, competing in the elite U18 championship. At the end of these two years I took part in a tour of Ireland with the U18 national team. I joined the seniors with the Cavalieri Union di Prato shirt in Serie A and then after a year moved to the top league (Serie A Elite) with the Valorugby shirt.
In my third season with the Granata, like all my teammates, I have the goal of reaching the Scudetto final.