Name: Michele

Surname: De Berti

Age: 24

Place of birth: Phoenix (USA)

Course of study: Medicine and surgery

Sport: Athletics (800m)

Recent results:
CNU Cassino 2022 800m silver medal
CNU Cassino 2022 4x400m gold medal

Winning more medals for CUS MORE at the next CNU.
Improve your personal best in the 800m, trying to gain important positions at the overall Italian championships.

Brief presentation:

I am Michele De Berti, student-athlete enrolled in the faculty of medicine and surgery, practicing the 800 and 400 meter sprints in athletics.
I consider myself ambitious and determined, and this is reflected in my desire to always give my best in what I do, with the aim of being a better athlete every day, challenging and trying to overcome my limits from time to time, and one better student, so as to be a good doctor in the future.