Name: Riccardo

Surname: Valentini

Age: 21

Place of birth: Modena

Course of study: Mechanical Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”

Sport: Athletics

Recent results:
Silver Italian 4x100m Championships with 40.23s 2023
Personal best of 10.79s at the 2023 Italian Promises Championships
2024 U23 Regional Vice Champion of the 60m with a new personal best of 6.98s
Objectives: improve personal bests in the 100 and 200 meters, participation in the Italian U23 Championships and the Italian Absolute Championships with the 4×100 relay, improving last year’s record.

Brief introduction: my name is Riccardo, I’m 21 years old and I’m in my third year of the Mechanical Engineering course. I live in Modena and have been practicing athletics for about ten years. My specialty is speed, especially 60, 100, 200 meters.
I approached this sport following the advice of my grandmother who, accompanying me to the park as a child, realized that the greatest fun for me was running and challenging every playmate in speed.
Over the years I have achieved constant improvement in performance and numerous satisfactions in terms of results, such as the regional titles in the 100 and 200 meters and 2 silvers at the Italian Absolute Championships with the 4×100 relay.