Name: Roberto

Surname:  Boni

Age:  24 years old

Place of birth: Montecchio Emilia (RE)

Course of study:  Medicine and Surgery

Sports:  Athletics

Recent results:

  • 2nd place at the 2022 National University Championships in the 3000m steeplechase and 6th in the 5000m sprint
  • 9th place at the 2022 Italian championships with 8’55″00 in the 3000m steeplechase
  • 7th place at the San Geminiano bullfight 2023 40’43

Objectives: My objectives for the 2024 season are to improve my personal best on the track, in particular in the 3000m steeplechase in which I aim to place in the first five places at the overall Italians; Furthermore, this winter I want to try my hand at the longest middle distance distance, the marathon, for the first time.

Brief introduction: I am a student athlete who divides his days between studying, internships and training. In addition to medicine and athletics, in my free time I like to take long walks in the mountains, go out with friends, watch TV series or films and travel. I am a curious and passionate person who always likes to learn new things and see many different places… especially while running