Name: Sara

Surname: Cantergiani

Age: 19

Place of birth: Reggio Emilia

Course of study: Psychological sciences and techniques

Sport: Athletics

Recent results: 7th position, Italian U20 championships, 400hs (2021); participation in the absolute Italian championships, 400hs (2021).

Objectives: Italian U23 Championships and Italian Overall Championships 2022.

Brief presentation: I have been practicing athletics for about 6 years. I started thanks to a friend and in particular thanks to my grandfather, who passed this passion on to me and my twin sister Lucia. In recent years in particular I have realized how much this sport has given me and how important it is for me. In addition to this great passion, I really like playing the transverse flute, an instrument that I have been studying for about 13 years. This year I started the Psychological Sciences and Techniques course which I am very passionate about.