Name: Fabio

Surname: Schiabel

Age: 23

Place of birth: Udine

Course of study: Management engineering

Sports: Rugby

Recent results: TOP10 playoffs (3rd place), 2nd place in the Italian cup

Objectives: Victory in the Serie A Elite championship

Brief presentation: I’m Fabio Schiabel, for the third season I’m working for Valorugby, a team playing in the top Italian league: Serie A Elite.
In my sporting journey, which began in San Donà di Piave, in the province of Venice, I have covered all the stages of the national team, starting from the under 17s up to the Emerging Italy team, the second Italian representative team.

Immagine che contiene persona, Viso umano, vestiti, uomo

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Immagine che contiene sport, persona, erba, aria aperta

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