Name: Thea

Surname: Tripoli

Age: 23

Place of birth: Bologna

Course of study: Educational sciences for nursery schools and socio-pedagogical professions

Sports: Volleyball

Recent results:
From 2019 to today
Volleyball San Damaso, Modena
Castenaso Volleyball, Bologna
Volleyball San Damaso, Modena
Volleyball Team Bologna
Participation in the B2 category championship
Participation in the B2 category championship
Participation in the category C championship
Participation in the B2 category championship
Participation in the B2 category championship

Objectives: to promote from B2 to B1 and play as a B1 athlete

Brief Introduction: I’m Thea, I’m 23 years old and I’m a competitive volleyball athlete! I have been practicing this sport for many years and during these years I have had countless experiences that have contributed to making me the player I am today.